8、No Child Labour BSCI验厂新标准--无童工
8.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee does not engage in illegal child labour directly or indirectly YES
8.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has established robust age-verification mechanisms as part of the recruitment process, which may not be in any way degrading or disrespectful to the worker
8.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has adequate policies and procedures in writing toward protecting children from any kind of exploitation
8.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has adequate and remedial policies and procedures to provide for further protection in case children are found to be working
9、Special protection for young workers BSCI验厂新标准之【年轻工人特别保护】
9.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee ensures that young persons do not work at night and are protected against conditions of work which are prejudicial to their health, safety, morals and development
9.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that young workers’ working hours do not prejudice their attendance at school, their participation in vocational orientation approved by the competent authority or their capacity to benefit from training or instruction programmes YES
9.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has established the necessary mechanisms to prevent, identify and mitigate harm to young workers YES
9.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee seeks to ensure young workers access to effective grievance mechanisms
9.5 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee seeks to ensure that young workers are properly trained on Occupational Health and Safety and have access to related training programmes
9.6 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has a good overview of all young workers engaged in its production site
10、No Precarious Employment BSCI验厂新标准--不危险雇佣
10.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee‘s employment relationships are not precarious for the workers
10.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee engages workers based on recognised and documented employment relationships
10.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee provides workers with understandable information before entering into employment
10.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee does not use employment arrangements in a way that deliberately does not correspond to the genuine purpose of the law YES
11、Protection of the Environment BSCI验厂新标准--环境保护
11.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee continuously identifies the significant impacts and environmental implications associated to its activity
11.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee has procedures in place to ensure integration of local environmental law into the business performance
11.3 Is there satisfactory evidence of the auditee’s relevant environmental permits and licences
11.4 Is there satisfactory evidence that waste is managed in a way that does not lead to the pollution of the environment
11.5 Is there satisfactory evidence that water is managed in a way that respects the environment, particularly but not limited to preserving local water sources
12.1 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee does not engage in any form of servitude, forced, bonded, indentured, trafficked or non-voluntary labour YES
12.2 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee acts rigorously and diligently when engaging and recruiting migrant workers both directly and indirectly
12.3 Is there satisfactory evidence that the auditee does not subject workers to inhumane or degrading treatment, corporal punishment, mental or physical coercion andor verbal abuse YES
12.4 Is there satisfactory evidence the auditee has established all applicable disciplinary procedures in writing and has explained them verbally to workers in clear and understandable terms